
Loss Avoidance Study done on Colorado after the September 2013 Floods

Reducing Losses through Higher Regulatory Standards: 2013 Colorado Floods Case Study (March 30, 2015)

In September 2013, an unprecedented rainfall event occurred along Colorado’s Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, resulting in catastrophic flooding that impacted 18 Colorado counties and 132 jurisdictions. After an event of this magnitude, FEMA would typically conduct a loss avoidance study (LAS) to assess the cost-effectiveness of mitigation measures such as acquisition of properties in the floodplain and implementing flood control measures. However, the September 2013 floods provided a unique opportunity to evaluate the losses avoided through a non-traditional approach. While the Community Rating System concepts of adopting higher regulatory standards and floodplain management principles are advocated as best practices, there is little empirical data to demonstrate the return on investment for these regulatory or policy actions. The goal of the study was to quantify these benefits and demonstrate what types of regulations and policies could have the most substantial impact on reducing future damages.

Read the full report here.

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