May 31 is National Dam Safety Awareness Day

Janesville Central Dam in Wisconsin

National Dam Safety Awareness Day was created to memorialize the 2,220 people who lost their lives in the 1889 South Fork Dam failure near Johnston, PA — the worst dam-related disaster in the history of the United States.

Held every year on May 31, the day marks a time to encourage and promote individual and community responsibility and best practices for dam safety, as well as what steps can be taken to prevent catastrophic dam failures. The theme for the 2022 National Dam Safety Awareness Day is “Dam Safety is a shared responsibility. Know your risk, know your role, know the benefits of dams and take action.”

Please visit the Association of State Dam Safety Officials website for more information regarding National Dam Safety Awareness Day as well as the FEMA website. In addition to community outreach and education, Dam Safety Awareness Day also highlights the increasing number of dams that are in need of rehabilitation due to deterioration, changes in land use, and updated design standards. A major challenge facing dam owners is the ever-rising cost of rehabilitation.

ASFPM has joined other organizations in signing a request for a Presidential proclamation for Dam Safety Awareness Day.

Download this ASDSO Dam Safety Awareness image to share on social media on May 31. Make sure to include #DamSafetyDay and tag ASDSO in your posts.

National Dam Safety Awareness Day

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