
Report Explores Three Ways to Transform Flood Risk Management

The latest report in the Rethinking Flood series from Marsh McLennan, Staying Above Water: A Systemic Response to Rising Flood Risk explores how the transformation of flood risk management can play out along three ways forward: Living with floods, building strategic protection, and preparing for relocation. 

Staying Above Water: A Systemic Response to Rising Flood Risk

Underpinned by new data from the Marsh McLennan Flood Risk Index, the report first discusses risk drivers, escalating impacts, and inadequacies of current risk management strategies — offering a strong rationale for urgent action. It then sets out guiding principles for resilience and presents examples of innovative strategies from different geographies to illustrate how the transformation can be realized. The report concludes with a call to action by proposing concrete steps to overcome inertia and mobilize stakeholder action by leveraging critical enablers across governance and risk culture, land use and infrastructure, finance, and insurance.

Download Staying Above Water: A Systemic Response to Rising Flood Risk.  

Catch up on previous reports in the series:

Sunk Costs: The Socioeconomic Impacts of Flooding is the first report in the series, analyzing the current state of flood risk globally, its economic and societal consequences, and the role of insurance in protecting the most vulnerable.

Preparing for a Wetter World: Strategies for Corporate Flood Resilience explores the implications of flood risk for businesses and discusses how firms can reimagine their approach to flood risk management in the context of climate change, growing business complexity, and stakeholder management.

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